Dab Torch And What Is Right For You
Do you need a dab torch, but you are not sure which kind of dab torch to get? Well, we are here to help! First off, a dab torch requires butane lighter fluid to be used.
Large - A large dab torch works for all sizes and styles of dab nails and bangers. They heat dab nails and bangers the quickest and holds more butane, but the larger size dab butane torch may not be great for traveling.
Medium - A medium dab torch works for any size and style dab nail or banger. These dab torches take a little longer to heat up the banger or dab straw. The smaller size holds a bit less butane than a large dab torch, but also makes it easier when you travel. Medium dab torch options include the Blazer Big Buddy Torch.
Small - A small dab torch is sufficient for smaller dab nails and dab straws but will even heat a large 30mm dab nail or banger. It will for sure take more time to do so.
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