Built For Connoisseurs
Since 2004 the Silver Surfer dry herb vaporizer has been a favorite among connoisseurs that want the best flavor extraction device built in the USA. The Super Surfer vaporizer is the most versatile desktop vaporizer in the world. By whip or bag, the Super delivers in style. With the aroma top, your home will smell fresh while the lighted base sets the mode.

Carefully Crafted - Super Surfer Vaporizer
Since 2004 the SSV desktop vaporizer has been crafted with care at the foot of Pikes Peak and the Super Surfer vaporizer is no different. At Elev8 Premier, glass artists hand-craft each piece of glass. Our surfers are assembled, tested, and born to your specifications. These are freshly made with pride and love by people who have been with the company for years. Adding even more customization and love to the Wave Rider Series are the impregnations of art by sublimating the durable powder coating.
what’s in the bag
- Super Surfer Vaporizer with Spherical Ground Glass Heater Cover and Whip Assembly (Mouthpiece, Wand, 3-ft of tubing)
- Padded Storage Bag made of a durable hemp and polyester blend called "hempster"
- Complete Vapor Bag Assembly* with Sick Clips (5 glass pieces and 2 clips)
- Roll of food-grade plastic Vapor Bags
- Glass Aroma Top with wax melt sample
- Replacement Screens
- Stainless Steel Pick
- Hands-Free Attachment
- Ceramic Flavor Disc

Pure glass connection
We are known for our glass-on-glass connections, and the Super Surfer desktop vaporizer is no exception.
Spherical Glass wand and heater cover allows for use with the hands-free attachment. This connection ensures the joint never gets stuck and offers a bowl size 66% larger than ground glass.
See the evolution of our wands and heater covers in our blog.
- Clean tasty vapor every time
- Easy and Convenient cleaning and maintenance
- Quality Hand-blown glass from Elev8 Premier glassblowers
- Nearly any glass part like the wand, knob, aroma top and duff jar, can be upgraded to be as unique as you.
- Allows easy connection to any rig with WPA
- The bag mouthpiece also fits in nearly any 14mm or 19mm female joint.
Ceramic heater
The Ceramic heater is the foundation of all our dry herb desktop vaporizers. We are the first company in the industry to offer this type of ceramic heater. The ceramic heater is the benchmark of heaters because of the protection the ceramic offers the element. By fully encasing the element and keeping it away from the air, oxidation is eliminated making for a time-tested long-lasting heater that gives amazing flavor.
- Helps to deliver the best flavor
- TESTED and TRUE! Used in the SSV since 2004. After warranty repairs are easy too.

Hands-free connection
The angle of the Super Surfer desktop vaporizer allows for the hands-free attachment to hold the spherical glass without your herbs falling in the heater, or cooking while not inhaling or using the fan.
The angle of the wand also allows an ergonomic comfortable feel when hold the wand to the Super.
- Secure connection with included hands-free attachment
- The angle keeps herbs in the wand where they belong
Forced air
The Fan driven air system is the biggest upgrade between the Silver Surfer desktop vaporizer and Super Surfer desktop vaporizer. This allows for use of the bag attachment and is capable of filling even a 10ft bag! Easily pass the bag around with a group of people, making the Super Surfer dry herb vape a more party-friendly device. Using the fan with the whip system is also great! It will not push air through water, but it does offer assistance. One way we like is to just let the fan push air out of the whip mouthpiece into your face breathing air and consuming. This really is cool on your lungs.
- Variable fan speed control
- Works with the whip system

Hempster & velour storage bag
The Super Surfer desktop vaporizer Storage Bag is made with the mentality of "Super" in mind. Handmade from the same durable Hempster blend featuring 8 pockets for the Super Surfer's accessories. Elev8 uses bags rather than a box in their attempt to be green. The packaging is needed, so why not use packaging that is reusable Well, the Super Surfer vaporizer does just that.
The angle of the wand also allows an ergonomic comfortable feel when hold the wand to the Super.
- Pockets designed to hold all accessories
- Durable hemp/polyester blend exterior
- Velvet interior to keep your Super and glass comfy.
Unique valve system
This uniquely designed wand is made specifically for the vapor bag attachment and fan for your Super Surfer desktop vaporizer. The valve is composed of a glass wand, glass valve slide, and silicon connector. This valve design insures your vapor bag is filled with crisp vapor without losing even a single wisp of flavor!
We are so excited about the new design as it is so easy to use, easy to clean, and is far superior to any valve system on the market.
- The ultimate flavor
- Easy maintenance

Mood lighting
The most elev8ed desktop vaporizer on earth is funky fun too!
Choose from 13 different modes, 7 of which are a single color, 3 blending's between colors, and 3 fading in and out between colors. The modes that transition between colors work on 5, 10, and 20-second intervals! Inspired by the horse of a different color from the Wizard Of Oz.
- Multi-function lights can be set to your mood while you enjoy
- 13 light settings including fades, flashes, and 7 solid color modes Base and inner tube are illuminated
- Makes a great nightlight!
Aromatherapy dish
The aroma top lets you keep your home smelling great with waxes or oils 24/7 without interrupting your vaping experience. The great thing about the Aroma Top is that if your partner does not consume, this is still a machine they can use. No other desktop vaporizer on the market can allow you to vape and diffuse at the same time.
- Keep your home smelling great with your favorite scent
- Dish design allows you to enjoy and diffuses all at once
- Leave on your Super 24/7

Dab dish
The Super Surfer desktop vaporizer can be upgraded to an enail.
Way safer than an enail as the hot part is where it should be! Keeps your glass cleaner than a banger. Always ready when you are, just set it and forget it!
- Easily switch between the EOK dab dish and dry herb heater cover
- Features a quartz dish that works like any banger or e-nail, but safely sits inside the Super Surfer
- Does not work with fan
Custom Made Temp. Knob
Each Super Surfer desktop vaporizer is adorned with a hand made knob. by Elev8 Premier The knob in the image shows just some of the Elev8ed art our team can create for the Super Surfer. The SSV is fully customizable and you can always upgrade your knob as you want, even changing it our for the seasons. Forget the digital hype, it means nothing for a whip vape and why the Super keeps with tradition allowing for infinite temperature control for connoisseurs.
- Fine tune your Super Surfer desktop vape to your desired heat setting with infinite temperature control
- Each knob is hand crafted by Elev8 Premier in Colorado Springs with no two alike
- Comes standard with our affordable knobs
- Upgrade with one of our Elev8 Premier custom knobs

Customizable Aluminum Housing
Each Super Surfer desktop vaporizer is built from 1/4 inch anodized aluminum making it the most durable desktop vaporizer on earth. Upgrade to durable color with our powder coated units.
Since the Surfer is the only desktop vaporizer made by glass artists, Steve needed more. The Wave Rider Series (WRS) was born with the art of sublimation. The Silver Surfer is the only desktop vaporizer that can be fully customized with our amazing selection of art or even your own art!
- The original SSV from single coat matte black, Rainbow Zen (black with colorful sparkles), Green Sparkle, Orange Sparkle
- Wave Rider Series SSV featuring art from our line of inhouse and world wide artists we work with.
- Your art, your WRS Surfer, one of a kind WRS.
- See the video on our powder coating and sublimation by Steve

Built for glass

Built for you
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